My Opinions on the market at hand. I have none! I do not foster an opinion on the market, Its sabotage to my technique. I DON`T make predictions,It`s totally unnecessary and needless to worry about, I ride the direction and the price tells me all i need to know. The chat was also formed out of frustration in having few to communicate with on trading forums. It is difficult for daytraders to relate on the same level as position traders or investors. There is so much concern with fundamentals for position traders and its of no concern to a daytrader, So this chat was also created not only to see some great daytrading signals and learn, But a place for daytraders to relate with like minded individuals as well. Daytrading is NOT investing. If your looking to profit from intraday movement of overall market direction, You will not serve yourself well to analyze value. It has nothing to do with what you need to know in a daytrading format.Your trading momentum...Thats all!...Your not investing in momentum, Your trading it! Opinions are everywhere in the investment world as well,You will serve yourself best to avoid them as well as your own in daytrading. Your opinion will hold no argument to momentum. Make momentum practices second nature to your technique, Not investment practices. |